cutie da bomb

ghetto language for someone being hot/fine/good looking.
“look at that chick, one fine piece of -sss!”
“yeaaah baby, cutie da bombbb”

“cutie da bomb met her at a beauty salon with a baby louis vuitton under her underarm.” – kanye west.

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  • Caitlin van Hoffen

    caitlin van hoffen is an awesome friend! she will always stick by you through hard and good times. she is so funny as well and beautiful. anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend! wow i wish i had caitlin van hoffen as my bff!

  • Canadian Cunt Burp

    when you dip your d-ck in maple syrup and f-ck your kanuk b-tch and it causes an explosive p-ssy fart that smells like your grandmamma’s pancakes i plowed this b-tch from toronto with some syrup on my junk and she did a big canadian c-nt burp on me.

  • fukushinaka

    polite way of saying f-ck you in front of your parents dad: son, wipe my -ss.. son: f-kushinaka

  • fulafatord

    1. a very derogatory acronym used to insult someone f-cking ugly loserish -sshole f-cking a totally obese and retarted dork “dude i can’t believe you stole my money, you fulafatord!!”


    a beast with a huge gapping v-g-n-, may cause infestation of sti’s(if you stand to close it will draw you in with its higly intense sucking motion from giant black flaps) mk,octowh-r-

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