daftpunkomania is an impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist impulses to listen to daft punk, in order to relieve tension, for gratification or relief.
she has the worst case of daftpunkomania.
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- dA fUnKy mOnKeY
1) a user of gaiaonline who can reguarly be seen in the gd. laid back and very kind but don’t p-ss her off or she will throw a shoe at you! 2) a silly monkey who likes to get down and dance 3) a person who is down with the funk 4)pure awesomness and sweet […]
when you are indifferent about a situation, or just don’t care about the situation. some other definitions of this word are being apologetic towards another person….also it can just be a form of greeting your friend (this is usually used in an extremely low-pitched type voice, as opposed to the normal usage of the word […]
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- Dancin'-rape-folk
a racial slur for african americans. originated in the 1920’s-1930’s to categorize the “awkward” movements that african americans performed while listening to music. “rape-folk” comes from the racist idea that such people would commit an offense so great. 1. “no, you cant go to the school dance; there will be those dancin’-rape-folk all over.” 2. […]