means “go ahead” in spanish, mostly cuban slang, used alot in miami. used as a goodbye or a slang call.
alright man, i’ll talk to you later, dale!
a very loving loyal and kind human being. has the looks of an angel and the personality of a saint. a dale will never let you down and will be there for you always. he is the kind of person you could easily trust and become friends with. a dale will never say a bad word about anyone and ignores any immaturity e.g bullies and d-cks. he isn’t the type of person to fall out with anyone, though many people fall out with him. a dale will offer advice and support in any situation. a dale will never lie to you. just an amazing and lovely person.
who is that lovely guy?
that’s dale
go over and say hi
no way!
shut up, he likes everyone.
cocaine. rhyming slang derived from south african cricketer, dale steyn. used commonly amongst western backpackers travelling in south america.
“hey mate, know where we can get some dale?” “this is some quality dale!”
(noun): a stereo-typical male that lives in well populated urban areas. said male is often seen wearing blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a ball cap with the following logos, but not limited to: caterpillar, trout b-m, fox racing, camo etc.) best described as a country boy that grew up in the concrete jungle.
dales are usually hard working, and would take the shirt off their back to help anyone in need.
other defining features include:
– lifted truck
– dip in lip and back pocket at all times
– smokes
– beer
– work boots
– country girls
– country music
– beard (often a tool used to fool gas station workers when trying to buy tobacco under age)
– fishing gear and apparel in vehicle at all times
– an unusual obsession with caterpillar equipment
examples of a dale can be seen at anytime anywhere near the greater grandville area. being a regional thing, there is minimal doc-mentation to found on the world wide web.
dale: an attractive guy who is always ready to get faded; he also knows how and when to be serious and is very interested in astrology. he’s very athletic and an amazing soccer player despite injuries. overall a very loving boyfriend and anyone would be lucky to have him!
that really hot guy must be a dale!
an amazing guy who is super s-xy and really smart. he is fun and whity and can some times be grumpy. he has serious mood swings but is mostly happy. if your boyfriend is a dale then you are really really really lucky because dale’s are great guys. he fights for what he wants. if dale gets mad you better whatch out because he can be dangerous. all around he is pretty great.
“he definitely just pulled a dale”
everything and anything. it is the most versatile word in the english language. we are all dale. you’re dale, i’m dale, he’s dale, she’s dale. you can insert this word into almost any sentence. you can call somebody or something dale as an insult or as a compliment. you can say it to strangers or your best buddy. it means nothing and everything.
“h-llo, nice to meet you, dale.” “get your dale out of my face you perv!” “that car is soooo dale! i love it!” “my dale is always hard in the morning” “bro that b-tch can deep throat your dale” “i love shouting “dale” as loud as i can during inappropriate situations” bro: “dale is the perfect word!” you: “yeah because it can mean whatever the f@%! you want!”
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