meaning dat -ss, but a non explicit form used in public
john!!! your datask is in my face!!
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- Davelyn
a person who is quirky, has big eyes, loves to have fun and dance. a bit temperamental, irrationally so. hangs out with people for selfish reasons. hot-headed. whoa, she such a davelyn – she got mad because i laughed!
- degreelessness
the state of “god” mode, or invincibility, in the cl-ssic video game doom. typing “iddqd” while playing doom enables degreelessness.
- deincarnate
to transport the soul of a lame brained sluggard back to an earlier more primitive point in time where he/she/it belongs. m-ffy thought her blind date — whose distended forehead was directly proportionate to his elongated arms, and who had tufts of dark hair growing from his brows, nostrils, ears and shoulders — was a […]
- Dejuan
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- Democrack Head
a person, most likely black who says, or actually votes for obama, just for the simple fact that he is part black. tyrone “shoot, im voting for obama” fred “why?” tyrone “just cause….” -silence- fred “what a democrack head.” a democrat who is addicted to power and money like a crackhead is addicted to cocaine. […]