dave chapelle
comedian who has his own show on comedy central. he makes funny satires of the black race, and i think the only reason he can get away with it is because he is, himself, black. 😉 not hatin’, though. love black people, asians, whatever. no racism in my house, except on chapelle’s show. very funny man, he imitates r. kelly, and li’l jon, among other people and things.
can i see your proof of insurance?
can i see your proof of insurance?
can i see your proof of insurance?
can i see your proof of insurance?
one funny -ss person. said to be the new king of comedy by blender magazine. has a very funny show on comedy central. starred in half baked, appaered in under cover brother and screwed. he has been funny for a long time but people have just started jumping on the bandwagon since his new show.
dave chappelle is funny as h-ll.
guy who got paid 50 million and was supposed to have a new season of chapelle show in 2005. then he gets sick and his writers quit to work on other shows.
chapelle hires new writers, but then he judges new material unamusing. months p-ss and now, even the dumbest audience members are wondering how chapelle could have lost momentum.
he comes back to a slightly disappointed audience
lakers were up by 20 points. but, they must have drank some kinda dave chapelle sports-drink ’cause they let the pacers come back and then just barely won in overtime.
how dums–sses say “dave chappelle.” come on people, learn how to spell. if you do, maybe your preschool teacher will award you with a sticker because your sooooo special.
dumbsh-t: dave chappelle iz da shiznit. haf baced iz ausome.
person who can spell: it’s “dave chappelle.” you stupid, imbread, uneducated son of a b-tch!
funny show. sucks at standup. enjoys entertaining his audience for 57 minutes with the sole sentance “naw naw, im serious.”
dave chapelle has a friggen hilarious show. his standup, however, could use some work.
a heavily overrated comedian who, while he is at times hilarious, like everyone says he is, has some gags which are pathetic and stupid beyond being funny at all (such as the “world series of dice,” which is only funny to people with iqs in the negatives). people who say he is the greatest comedian of all time (many people i know have) are wrong for a fact.
dave chapelle is the most overrated comedian of all time.
washed up comedian who was never really that funny. i am glad he hasn’t come back to comedy central.
not funny which is dave chapelle
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