Davila y padilla
agustín (“chronicler of the indies”) 1562–1604, mexican historian.
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alonso de [ah-lawn-saw th e] /ɑˈlɔn sɔ ðɛ/ (show ipa), 1533–94, spanish epic poet; soldier in the conquest of chile. historical examples ercilla has devoted the twenty-fourth canto of the araucana to the splendid episode of the battle of lepanto. history of the reign of philip the second king of spain william h. prescott ercilla […]
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agustín de [ah-goos-teen de] /ˌɑ gusˈtin dɛ/ (show ipa), 1783–1824, mexican soldier and revolutionary: as agustín i, emperor of mexico 1822–23. historical examples the acts of oppression of iturbide, from this time, continued to increase. great events in the history of north and south america charles a. goodrich iturbide was the former of these; the […]
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agnes (george) 1908–93, u.s. ch-r-ographer and dancer. noun cecil b(lount). 1881–1959, us film producer and director