dead week
at any major college or university, the week before finals are administered and most major projects and -ssignments are due for submission. the late night working and hardcore studying for finals gives the students a zombie like atmosphere, and causes an eerie silence and many blank, unseeing expressions.
man, this place is silent. whats goin on?
dead week man. killer.
a week long holiday in which the university try to juke students in to believing its a concentrated study period, when actually its a time for professors to give out as many exams as they can; also known as the week holiday professors enjoy to sit back, laugh & torment students… modern-day name: “professor bullyism”
university: “dear students, this week is dead week, a no exam week which should be concentrated on studying for finals next week”
lsu students: “yayy, i have 1 exam and 2 lab finals this week”
a term used to describe the time between the last finals of yale and the official commencement activities. as tradition in recent generations, graduating seniors travel during this time (especially to myrtle beach, sc). other undercl-ssmen partic-p-ting or working for graduation all move to old campus housing. there are no planed events and thus they must just wait for dead week to end and graduation to start (the ypmb is famous for having a film festival with each cl-ss making a film during dead week–including a junior feature length film–that is screened at the end of dead week).
yalie k: “i am so excited to just party and do nothing during dead week.”
yalie t: “i am too but know that i will be freaking out about finishing papers that i could not get done.”
yalie k: “you are stupid! dead week is when you are done with school and can just day drink at yale.”
a term used to describe the time between the last finals of yale and the official commencement activities. as tradition in recent generations, graduating seniors travel durring this time (especially to myrtle beach, sc). other undercl-ssmen partic-p-ting or working for graduation all move to old campus housing. there are no planed events and thus they must just wait for dead week to end and graduation to start (the ypmb is famous for having a film festival with each cl-ss making a film durring dead week–including a junior feature length film–that is screened at the end of dead week).
yalie k: “i am so excited to just party and do nothing durring dead week.”
yalie t: “i am too but know that i will be freaking out about finishing papers that i could not get done.”
yalie k: “you are stupid! dead week is when you are done with school and can just day drink at yale.”
the week before finals at pepperdine university when administration tells instructors to have no -ssignments due, but they -ssign everything due for that week instead.
sorry i can’t go out tonight, its dead week.
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