a human, animal, or object that has been possesed by a disembodied kandarian demon. the inhabited host will display m-ssive abnormalities physically, as well as supernatural abilities such as levitation and voice throwing. they also can infect another host by biting them. to dispose of a deadite one must blow their brains out with a shotgun, or dismember the host’s body, always making sure to destroy the brain.
ash quickly realized the deadite was playing dead and told aurthur to get an axe.
undead creatures that need to be blown to h-ll
yarr, a deadite
sam raimi’s evil dead films feature bruce campbell as ashley (ash) who battles undead creatures called ‘deadites’. there are three films currently: evil dead, evil dead 2 and army of darkness. ‘deadites’ is also used to refer to fans of these films.
ash can decapitate a deadite in seconds with his chainsaw hand.
a deadite
like from evil dead
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