an all-around pleasurable experience. can make your ribs hurt from laughter and make your eyes cross with -rg-smic delight. soft and warm to cuddle with and a deana can beat you at sports too. a rare find.
have you ever dated a deana? dude, you’re missing out!
a sweet, loving friend who always does what she can to help you out. i <3 her to death! love you girl!
wow, deana is a beast!
she is the girl you can go to when somethings bringing you down. you can trust her 100%, and she won't tell a soul your secret. she's an amazing best friend, and she's beautiful in anyone's eyes. she makes the guys drop dead. everyone loves deana because she's amazing.
she can be a drama queen at times and she is boy crazy (also known as the love guru) who you can come to in times of need. boy problems are deana's specialty.
bff: deana is the best. <3
other girl: i wish i was deana!!
(v.) to trip suddenly, especially in an elevator.
she deanaed in the elevator movie.
a girl who is very clumsy. she's fun to be around and can make anyone laugh. she makes everything fun, also.
she has blue eyes and often comes to school with only one contact in because she dropped the other one on the floor at home and it burned her eye.
she's hilarious in english cl-ss and can make anything hilarious!
person 1: "hey, dude, did you see deana trip down the stairs today?"
person 2: "no, but it doesn't surprise me."
moooooooooo 🙂
matt: wow, is that deana
jessie: yeahh, mooooooooooo
matt: i need you
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