
a boy thats s-xy asf. he loves to kiss girls and make them feel wanted. and gives bomb -ss s-x. he is a jock (basketball). and is a comedian.
did y’all see deavieyan today.

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  • ochel batachat

    someone who is an -sshole he ochel batachat all the time, i hate him

  • fechal

    it is an name of an strong leader with various goals of things mostly sports an hanson gentlemen an mostly an cancer. fechal was at the gym lifting weights

  • gavin lanut

    gavin lanut is a starving child who covered himself in chocolate and everyone just thinks he’s african but in reality he was just really hungry gavin isn’t part but lanut is used as a term for mega nut “what were you doing in the bathroom” “i just gavin lanuted”

  • antasia

    amazing, best intution, deadly honest, great listener, strong individual i can talk to this person for she is such an antasia.

  • if you dont get your

    usually what one says when a f-cking idiot does something r-t-rded usually followed by b-tch -ss outta here . trash: ” im so tired after a long day of work” leroy: if you dont get your ol squidward nosed long head -ss outta here. built like a godd-mn palm tree.

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