also deetun, deetan, deighton, deightun, deeetunnnn!
noun, the most awesomely, indescribably cool person in the universe, possibly a higher authority than g-d himself. used to compare to something or someone immeasurably awesome or cool. usually used in conjunction with the prefix “get on..” as in “get on deetun!” to express a feeling of immense pleasure or excitement. deetoning/deetuning/deetaning/deightoning/deightuning/deetunnnnin’ can be used as the adjective equivalent of deetun to describe a person or object.
in this case deetun is used as a metaphor –
-you well pimp slapped that suckah, you are well deetun.-
in this case deetun is used as a simile –
-wow, bruce forsyth is almost as deetun as me!-
in this case deetun is included in the phrase “get on deetun!” –
-dude i saw just that chick’s thong!.. get on deetun!!-
in this case deetun is adapted to deetoning in the adjective form to describe an object –
-my new iphone is well deetoning!-
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