Australian Academic Research Network
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- Aaron
the older brother of Moses, usually regarded as the first high priest of the Hebrews. Ex. 28; 40:13–16. Henry Louis (“Hank”) born 1934, U.S. baseball player. a male given name. Contemporary Examples The video is so popular that Jesse himself, Emmy-winner Aaron Paul, tweeted it out. ‘Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical’ Geniuses Rhett & […]
- Aaron's-beard
(def 2).
- Aaron's rod
a rod, inscribed with the name of Aaron, that miraculously blossomed and yielded almonds. Num. 17:8. Previously, the rod had changed into a serpent. Ex. 7:10. any of various plants having a tall, flowering stem, as the goldenrod or mullein. a smooth-stemmed herb, Thermopsis caroliniana, found from North Carolina to Georgia, having yellow flowers in […]
- Aaron, henry
aaron, henry Aaron, Henry (Hank Aaron) [(air-uhn)] A baseball player of the twentieth century; he hit a record 755 home runs in his major league career, which ran from 1954 to 1976. The previous record holder was Babe Ruth, who hit 714.
- Aaronic
of or relating to Aaron. pertaining or belonging to the order of Jewish priests descended from Aaron. of the second, or lesser, order of priesthood in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . Historical Examples But they fail to observe that he was without these things in the Aaronic priesthood. Autobiography of Frank […]