
American Association of Retired Persons.
Contemporary Examples

According to a recent AARP survey, 96 percent of Americans support that reform.
Elizabeth Warren Talks Bank Reform Benjamin Sarlin April 20, 2010

Or maybe they did it so Paul Ryan getting booed throughout his speech to AARP wouldn’t be the top story.
You Know You’ve Had a Bad Week When… Michael Tomasky September 20, 2012

The stars chat amiably about sex and other topics in “Fighting for Love,” the cover story of the current AARP The Magazine.
Meryl Streep, ‘Hope Springs,’ and Senior Sex: Why Seniors Are Getting It On Karen Springen August 9, 2012

But on Thursday, the AARP released a poll that offered some comfort.
White House Done With Wilson Richard Wolffe September 10, 2009

More than half of the Young Guns, having celebrated the big 5-0, are already eligible for an AARP membership.
The GOP’s Geezer ‘Young Guns’ Samuel P. Jacobs June 9, 2010

In an AARP survey of retirees in Florida, Romney and Obama are running neck and neck within the margin of error.
How Obama Will Cash In on Paul Ryan: Medicare, Taxes, Education & More Robert Shrum August 12, 2012

In 2011, the AARP put the figure (PDF) for new 65 year olds at, on average 7,000 people a day, some 2,550,000 in the year.
The Old and White vs. The Young and Brown Matthew Zeitlin November 6, 2012

The AARP estimates that no less than 60 percent of Republican primary voters are retirees.
Don’t Blame the Rednecks for Newt’s Win Michelle Cottle January 21, 2012

The advertising is coming from all sides: the parties, conservative groups, PACs, unions, the AARP.
The Scariest Health Care Ads Adam Hanft August 14, 2009

Linda Fisher, et al. “Sex, Romance, and Relationships: AARP Survey of Midlife and Older Adults,” commissioned by AARP, 2010.
Hef’s Sexless Engagement Anneli Rufus July 27, 2011

Apple Address Resolution Protocol
American Association of Retired Persons

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