Abdominal region

abdominal region

abdominal region n.
Any of the subdivisions of the abdomen, including the right or left hypochondriac, the right or left lateral, the right or left inguinal, and the epigastric, umbilical, or pubic regions.
Historical Examples

An attack is recognized by acute pain in the abdominal region.
The American Reformed Cattle Doctor George Dadd

Every normal crustacean, on the other hand, has the abdominal region of the body covered by a thick chitinous shell.
Natural Law in the Spiritual World Henry Drummond

He was seized with griping pains in the abdominal region, and locked himself up for the period of one whole day in his court room.
The Goose Man Jacob Wassermann

Remember also the necessity, when taking these movements, of keeping the abdominal region expanded as fully as possible.
Vitality Supreme Bernarr Macfadden

I also employ hot solutions of the latter acid as a local bath over the abdominal region, applied with a large sponge.
A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II Various

Then he thought of the ugly spectacle he would present if he confined the mutilation to the abdominal region.
What’s-His-Name George Barr McCutcheon

The Philippians, to whom Paul wrote so touchingly, are not the only people in the world whose god is their abdominal region.
Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills and Powders William A. Alcott

The ancients, you remember, thought the heart lay down in the abdominal region.
Quiet Talks on Power S.D. Gordon

Open the abdominal region of every fish by making a generous cut from the vent straight forward toward the ventral fins.
Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting William T. Hornaday

In the scorpion they lie in the abdominal region, so that their ducts pass headwards to the operculum.
The Origin of Vertebrates Walter Holbrook Gaskell

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