
a member of a grouping of American Indian peoples of southern Quebec and Maine, earlier also of New Hampshire, Vermont, and northern Massachusetts.
any of the Eastern Algonquian languages of the Abenaki peoples.
Historical Examples

On the banks of this erratic stream lived an Abenaki tribe called the Sokokis.
A Half Century of Conflict – Volume I Francis Parkman

Anasaguntakook, a band of the Abenaki, on the sources of the Androscoggin, in Maine.
The Indian in his Wigwam Henry R. Schoolcraft

I advise you to pull down all the forts you have built on the Abenaki lands since the Peace of Utrecht.
A Half Century of Conflict – Volume I Francis Parkman

The Indian phrases and legends referred to as learned by the Wind-wife are Abenaki.
Days of the Discoverers L. Lamprey

He was Abenaki by his mother; but he was absent when the attack took place, and the marauders seem to have shed no blood.
A Half Century of Conflict – Volume I Francis Parkman

He had the gift of tongues, and was as familiar with the Abenaki and several other Indian languages as he was with Latin.
A Half Century of Conflict – Volume I Francis Parkman

The Pennacooks must have been at one time a numerous community, and were less warlike than any of the Abenaki race.
The Abenaki Indians Frederic Kidder

He then took charge of the Abenaki mission of St. Francis, where he continued for 46 years and died at the age of 82.
Glimpses of the Past W. O. Raymond

He adds (p. 111), that the chief of that name was probably an Algonkin who had migrated to the Abenaki country.
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 Various

The church is the only trim-looking building, but that is not Abenaki, that was Rome’s doings.
The Maine Woods Henry David Thoreau

Algonquian-speaking Indians of northern New England and the Maritimes, 1721, from French abenaqui, from East Abenaki wapanahki, literally “person of the dawn land.”

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