
a male given name, form of .
Historical Examples

abes’sa, the impersonation of abbeys and convents in Spenser’s Faëry Queen, i. 3.
Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1 The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

Felicia was silent; but she felt that abes yarn was not believed by the men.
Frank Merriwell’s Triumph Burt L. Standish

Felicia slipped from the mans hand and again sought abes side, pressing close to him.
Frank Merriwell’s Triumph Burt L. Standish

A wild fight ensued, and the potato was smashed under abes foot amid shouts and screams.
Hungry Hearts Anzia Yezierska

Alliance for Balanced Environmental Solutions
Lehigh Valley International Airport (Allentown, PA)

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