
to encourage, support, or countenance by aid or approval, usually in wrongdoing:
to abet a swindler; to abet a crime.
Contemporary Examples

Simple assault, battery, aiding and abetting, harboring a fugitive, and also obstruction of justice took place.
The Mayor of Monrovia’s Fall From Grace Clair MacDougall, Wade C.L. Williams March 9, 2013

“This is aiding and abetting criminal activity,” charges campaign finance attorney Dan Backer, counsel for Stop Hillary.
Hillary’s SuperPAC War Proves Yet Again That Campaign Finance Needs a Fix Michelle Cottle January 27, 2014

This week, Charles Taylor was convicted of aiding and abetting war crimes.
Liberian Nostalgia for War Criminal Charles Taylor Finlay Young April 27, 2012

In 2010, Republicans successfully accused Obama of abetting the extremism of Nancy Pelosi.
How Wisconsin Helps Obama Peter Beinart March 13, 2011

Is there something, er, deficient about the type of guy who earns a living saving lives, succoring the sick, abetting the needy?
Doctors as Doormats in the David Petraeus Scandal Kent Sepkowitz November 13, 2012

Historical Examples

No wonder that Polk dropped a hint about aiding and abetting the enemy.
The War With Mexico, Volume II (of 2) Justin H. Smith

What will your father say if he finds me aiding and abetting?
Weighed and Wanting George MacDonald

“But they ought to have got their gowns at the same place,” said Miss Marshall, who was abetting Raridan in his comments.
The Main Chance Meredith Nicholson

Anne now added, understanding Mrs. Brewster’s idea and abetting it.
Polly and Eleanor Lillian Elizabeth Roy

Any one aiding or abetting such a person is severely punished.
Life in a Thousand Worlds William Shuler Harris

verb abets, abetting, abetted
(transitive) to assist or encourage, esp in crime or wrongdoing

late 14c. (implied in abetting), from Old French abeter “to bait, to harass with dogs,” literally “to cause to bite,” from a- “to” (see ad-) + beter “to bait,” from a Germanic source, perhaps Low Franconian betan “incite,” or Old Norse beita “cause to bite,” from Proto-Germanic *baitjan, from PIE root *bheid- “to split” (see fissure). Related: Abetted; abetting.

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