Abm treaty
abm treaty
The popular name for part of the 1972 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) between the United States and the former Soviet Union; it restricts the number and locations of antiballistic missiles (ABM) that each nation can deploy. President George W. Bush has announced his intention to abandon the treaty so that the United States can deploy an ABM system, parts of which would be space-based. (See Star Wars.)
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- Abmc
abmc American Battle Monuments Commission
- Abmcm
abmcm American Board of Managed Care Medicine
- Abmho
the centimeter-gram-second unit of conductance, equivalent to 10 9 .
- Abmm
abmm American Board of Medical Management
- Abmodality
the differing of a measurable trait in an individual case from the mean for a population.