
the state or quality of being .
something .
Contemporary Examples

And their faces are hidden behind masks that simultaneously suggest danger and absurdity.
Amnesty International’s Pussy Riot Concert: Balaclavas and Punk Rockers Robin Givhan August 12, 2012

After all, many of her answers were pure Daily Show bait, full of ignorance and absurdity.
Bachmann: The Comeback Kid Michelle Goldberg October 18, 2011

In his new book about the Soviet Union, Francis Spufford blends fiction and history to capture the absurdity of the state.
Francis Spufford’s Red Plenty Pushes Historical Boundaries Max McGuinness February 23, 2012

He tells me about the absurdity of the ASPCA, the Humane Society of the United States, and PETA.
Should Tony the Truck Stop Tiger Go Free? Melissa Leon June 27, 2014

Of course, there is often a degree of absurdity to the confirmation process.
The Sonia I Know Stephen L. Carter May 25, 2009

Historical Examples

She had hardly completed this act when she realized its absurdity.
The Confessions of Arsne Lupin Maurice Leblanc

A miracle in the sense of a contravention of natural laws an absurdity.
A Theological-Political Treatise [Part II] Benedict of Spinoza

It is hardly necessary to point out the absurdity of this claim.
Money John P. Jones

The idea of making the world better and happier is to them an absurdity.
The Works of Whittier, Volume VII (of VII) John Greenleaf Whittier

I tried to banish the thought as an absurdity, but was unable to do so.
The Path of Duty, and Other Stories H. S. Caswell


late 15c., from Middle French absurdité, from Late Latin absurditatem (nominative absurditas) “dissonance, incongruity,” noun of state from Latin absurdus “out of tune;” figuratively “incongruous, silly, senseless,” from ab-, intensive prefix, + surdus “dull, deaf, mute” (see susurration).

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