
an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply:
an abundance of grain.
overflowing fullness:
abundance of the heart.
affluence; wealth:
the enjoyment of abundance.
Physics, Chemistry. the number of atoms of one isotope of an element divided by the total number of atoms in a mixture of the isotopes.
Contemporary Examples

That’s difficult when you’re dealing with complicated technology and an abundance of experts, often with their own agendas.
Three Mile Island Meltdown: Richard Thornburgh’s Advice for Japan Eleanor Clift March 11, 2011

Let Jupiter in Taurus fuel your optimism, in every sense of the word: Keep a positive attitude and be abundance conscious.
What the Stars Predict for Your Week Starsky + Cox August 19, 2011

For me, the secret of Rock of Ages—the thing that ultimately makes it transcendent—is its abundance.
The Band’s ‘Rock of Ages’ Is the Greatest Live Album Ever Andrew Romano October 13, 2013

People think, why not move south, where amenities are in abundance?
Is Philadelphia in Decline? New Report Shows a City With Marked Challenges Daniel Stone April 3, 2012

One major reason is the abundance of information-and-communication technology.
The World Is Getting Better, Argues New Book, ‘Abundance’ Sam Harris February 20, 2012

Historical Examples

A kind Providence has given us of this world’s goods an abundance.
The Allen House T. S. Arthur

Here are children in abundance, and what benefit could have accrued to me from his purchasing Vernon?
Lady Susan Jane Austen

Water and food they still had in abundance, but ammunition was running low.
A Soldier’s Trial Charles King

The charm that held us to this rough place was the abundance of game.
A Woman Tenderfoot Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson

We have histories of all kinds in abundance,—and yet no good History of Roads.
Old Roads and New Roads William Bodham Donne

a copious supply; great amount
fullness or benevolence: from the abundance of my heart
degree of plentifulness
(chem) the extent to which an element or ion occurs in the earth’s crust or some other specified environment: often expressed in parts per million or as a percentage
(physics) the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope in a mixture of isotopes of an element to the total number of atoms present: often expressed as a percentage: the abundance of neon-22 in natural neon is 8.82 per cent
Also called abondance. a call in solo whist undertaking to make nine tricks

mid-14c., from Old French abondance and directly from Latin abundantia “fullness, plenty,” noun of state from abundantem (nominative abundans), present participle of abundare “to overflow” (see abound).

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