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- Academicism
traditionalism or conventionalism in art, literature, etc. thoughts, opinions, and attitudes that are purely speculative. pedantic or formal quality. Historical Examples It has already been said that the chief opponents of the academicism of Cabanel and Bougereau were the Impressionists. Paul Gauguin, His Life and Art John Gould Fletcher academicism, even in the narrow sense, […]
- Academics
of or relating to a college, , school, or other educational institution, especially one for higher education: academic requirements. pertaining to areas of study that are not primarily vocational or applied, as the humanities or pure mathematics. theoretical or hypothetical; not practical, realistic, or directly useful: an academic question; an academic discussion of a matter […]
- Academie francaise
. Historical Examples Of her influence we need no better evidence than the fact that her salon was called the antechamber to the academie francaise. The Women of the French Salons Amelia Gere Mason
- Academie goncourt
See under (def 2). Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de [ed-mawn lwee ahn-twan y-oh duh] /ɛdˈmɔ̃ lwi ɑ̃ˈtwan üˈoʊ də/ (Show IPA), 1822–96, and his brother Jules Alfred Huot de [zhyl al-fred] /ʒyl alˈfrɛd/ (Show IPA) 1830–70, French art critics, novelists, and historians: collaborators until the death of Jules. Prix [pree;; English pree] /pri;; English pri/ […]
- Academy
a secondary or high school, especially a private one. a school or college for special instruction or training in a subject: a military academy. an association or institution for the advancement of art, literature, or science: the National Academy of Arts and Letters. a group of authorities and leaders in a field of scholarship, art, […]