the orthorhombic form of silver sulfide.
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acanthocephala Acanthocephala A·can·tho·ceph·a·la (ə-kān’thə-sěf’ə-lə) n. Any of various worms of the phylum Acanthocephala that live parasitically in the intestines of vertebrates and are characterized by a cylindrical, retractile proboscis that bears many rows of hooked spines. Also called spiny-headed worm. a·can’tho·ceph’a·lan (-lən) or a·can’tho·ceph’a·lid (-lĭd) adj. Historical Examples The invertebrates: acanthocephala, Aschelminthes, and Endoprocta. The […]
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an abnormal red blood cell having spiny projections, found in the blood of persons with abetalipoproteinemia and certain malabsorption disorders. acanthocyte a·can·tho·cyte (ə-kān’thə-sīt’) n. A red blood cell characterized by multiple spiny cytoplasmic projections and found in acanthocytosis. Also called acanthrocyte.