Achill island

an island in the Republic of Ireland, off the W coast of Co Mayo. Area: 148 sq km (57 sq miles). Pop: 2620 (2002)
Historical Examples

On achill island there is a comfortable hotel at the ‘missionary settlement,’ which is about 10 miles from the ferry.
Climbing in The British Isles, Vol. II W. P. Haskett Smith

It is a convenient centre from which to visit achill island.
The Sunny Side of Ireland John O’Mahony and R. Lloyd Praeger

We left achill island in the afternoon, deeply regretting that we had not more time to devote to its wonders.
On an Irish Jaunting-car Samuel G. Bayne

If we could have put achill island and all its scenery out of commission forever, we would gladly have done it.
On an Irish Jaunting-car Samuel G. Bayne

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