
Also, achromatophilic
[ey-kruh-mat-uh-fil-ik, ak-ruh-, ey-kroh-muh-tuh-] /ˌeɪ krəˌmæt əˈfɪl ɪk, ˌæk rə-, eɪˌkroʊ mə tə-/ (Show IPA). having little or no affinity for stains.
an achromatophil cell or tissue.

achromatophil a·chro·mat·o·phil (ā’krō-māt’ə-fĭl, āk’rō-, ā-krō’mə-tə-, ə-krō’-) or a·chro·mo·phil (ā-krō’mə-fĭl, ə-krō’-)
Not able to be colored by histological or bacteriological stains. n.
A cell or tissue that cannot be stained in the usual way.
a’chro·mo·phil’ic (-fĭl’ĭk) or a’chro·moph’i·lous (ākrōmŏf’ə-ləs, āk’rō-) adj.

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  • Achromatophilia

    the property of having little or no affinity for stains.

  • Achromatopsia

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  • Achromatosis

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  • Achromatous

    without color. having little or inadequate color; lighter in color than normal. adjective having little or no colour or less than is normal achromatous a·chro·ma·tous (ā-krō’mə-təs, ə-krō’-) adj. Having no color; colorless.

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