
yielding acid in chemical reaction; acidic.
(of food) containing a large amount of acid ash after complete oxidation.
Historical Examples

The desirable type of acid-forming bacteria do not form spores; hence, are easily killed by heating the milk.
Outlines of dairy bacteriology H. L. Russell

The fermentation which produces acid and the diffusion of acid-forming materials from the blood are alike prevented by it.
A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II Various

They differ from most of the elements so far studied in that they can act either as acid-forming or base-forming elements.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry William McPherson

In cheese a certain amount of acid can be produced by the acid-forming bacteria.
Outlines of dairy bacteriology H. L. Russell

The non-metals possessed physical properties which were the reverse of those of the metals, and were acid-forming in character.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry William McPherson

Thus, the growth of acid-forming organisms in milk becomes checked by the formation of acid from the fermentation of the sugar.
Outlines of dairy bacteriology H. L. Russell

These temperatures favor especially the growth of the acid-forming bacteria.
Outlines of dairy bacteriology H. L. Russell

Thus, the acid-forming bacteria may be divided into two main groups, which may be designated as desirable and undesirable.
Outlines of dairy bacteriology H. L. Russell

It does not do one much good to brush the teeth if he does not remove decaying and acid-forming matter from between the teeth.
Vitality Supreme Bernarr Macfadden

Milk that has been fermented by the desirable kinds of acid-forming bacteria is not harmful.
Outlines of dairy bacteriology H. L. Russell

(of an oxide or element) yielding an acid when dissolved in water or having an oxide that forms an acid in water; acidic
(of foods) producing an acid residue following digestion

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