Acid reflux

a chronic condition in which acid from the stomach flows back into the lower esophagus, causing pain or tissue damage.
Contemporary Examples

acid reflux and Indigestion – Chew a few basil leaves after a meal.
Use These 15 Home Remedies Based On Ayurveda To Cure Menstrual Cramps, Hangovers, and Indigestion Ari Meisel January 20, 2014

And suddenly the guilt set in like acid reflux of the brain.
My Horsemeat Lunch Christopher Dickey February 26, 2013

the regurgitation of stomach acid into the oesophagus, causing heartburn

a burning sensation in the stomach, typically extending toward the esophagus and sometimes associated with the eructation of an acid fluid; also called heartburn , pyrosis , cardialgia , gastroesophageal reflux
Word Origin

acid reflux
See heartburn.
gastroesophageal reflux disease
A condition in which relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter allows gastric acids to move up into the esophagus, causing heartburn, dyspepsia, and possible injury to the mucous membranes lining the esophagus.

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