
to make or become ; convert into an .
to make or become sour.
Contemporary Examples

Fisheries, already stressed by pollution and over-harvesting, will now confront warming and acidification.
Climate Change Needs the Politics of the Impossible Jedediah Purdy April 5, 2014

Historical Examples

A series of experiments in making Roquefort were tabulated to show the rate of acidification from various initial points.
The Book of Cheese Charles Thom and Walter Warner Fisk

The acidification of the sulphur by nitric or nitro-muriatic acid is likewise a slow and unpleasant operation.
A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines Andrew Ure

Three processes are thus employed in obtaining alcohol from molasses; dilution, acidification, and fermentation.
A Practical Handbook on the Distillation of Alcohol from Farm Products F. B. Wright

But without this exposure and acidification, the butter is insipid and comparatively flavorless.
Hints on Dairying T. D. Curtis

This leaves all the fine flavor in it, unmixed with flavors resulting from acidification.
Hints on Dairying T. D. Curtis

The development of this acidification before the addition of rennet is known as the ripening of the milk.
The Book of Cheese Charles Thom and Walter Warner Fisk

In one series the solutions were titrated directly, and after acidification in the other.
Chlorination of Water Joseph Race

verb -fies, -fying, -fied
to convert into or become acid

acidify a·cid·i·fy (ə-sĭd’ə-fī’)
v. a·cid·i·fied, a·cid·i·fy·ing, a·cid·i·fies
To make or become acid.

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