the quality or state of being .
sourness; tartness.
excessive quality, as of the gastric juice.
Contemporary Examples
In this streamlined recipe, the salmon is half cooked on the grill and then half-“cooked” by the acidity of lime juice.
What to Eat July 27, 2009
Historical Examples
The acidity of the tone was so pronounced that Mrs. Carradyne, seated near and busy at her netting, lifted her head in surprise.
Johnny Ludlow, Sixth Series Mrs. Henry Wood
This will remove the acidity, and improve the bread in lightness.
Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches Eliza Leslie
From that time, the moisture must be regulated in proportion to the acidity.
The Book of Cheese Charles Thom and Walter Warner Fisk
Sugar must be added according to the acidity of the fruit used.
The Skilful Cook Mary Harrison
The following morning, add teaspoonful of baking soda, dissolved in a little warm water, to counteract any acidity of batter.
Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit among the “Pennsylvania Germans” Edith M. Thomas
The acidity is expressed in percentage amounts of what acid?
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value Harry Snyder
Put in sugar to your taste; it is impossible to make a precise rule, because apples vary so much in acidity.
The American Frugal Housewife Lydia M. Child
The lime-water is for the purpose of correcting the acidity of the milk.
Health on the Farm H. F. Harris
When the acidity is tempered with age, the coffee can be drunk “straight” which can not be done with many other growths.
All About Coffee William H. Ukers
noun (pl) -ties
the quality or state of being acid
the amount of acid present in a solution, often expressed in terms of pH
another name for hyperacidity
1610s, from French acidité (26c.) or directly from Latin aciditatem (nominative aciditas), noun of quality from Latin acidus (see acid (adj.)).
acidity a·cid·i·ty (ə-sĭd’ĭ-tē)
The state, quality, or degree of being acid.
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- Acidly
Chemistry. a compound usually having a sour taste and capable of neutralizing alkalis and reddening blue litmus paper, containing hydrogen that can be replaced by a metal or an electropositive group to form a salt, or containing an atom that can accept a pair of electrons from a base. Acids are proton donors that yield […]
- Acidogenic
producing , as bacteria, or causing acidity, as of the urine.
- Acidolysis
decomposition resulting from the interaction of a compound and an .
- Acidometer
noun a type of hydrometer for measuring the relative density of an acid solution, esp the acid in a battery Also called acidimeter
- Acidophil
Biology, Ecology, . Biology. an cell, tissue, organism, or substance; eosinophil. Historical Examples The nuclei are greenish, the red blood corpuscles orange, the acidophil granulation copper red, the neutrophil violet. Histology of the Blood Paul Ehrlich He distinguishes hyaline, acidophil and basophil cells, and derives all from the lymphocytes. Histology of the Blood Paul Ehrlich […]