
a blood condition in which the bicarbonate concentration is below normal.
Historical Examples

acidosis is a form of intoxication due to the retention of these toxic acids in the body.
Dietetics for Nurses Fairfax T. Proudfit

As the sarco-lactic acid liberated in the muscles is not oxygenated a condition of acidosis ensues.
Manual of Surgery Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles

Evidently the acidosis fad is to be overworked as was the old uric acid diathesis, of unsavory memory.
The Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines, Vol. 2 of 2 Various

When acidosis becomes extreme, the diabetic patient is apt at any time to succumb to the dreaded diabetic coma.
Dietetics for Nurses Fairfax T. Proudfit

Cause of acidosis is believed to be an impairment of metabolism, especially in regard to the fats.
Dietetics for Nurses Fairfax T. Proudfit

acidosis may develop in typhoid fever patients and must be guarded against.
Dietetics for Nurses Fairfax T. Proudfit

The behavior of the fat in the body should be carefully watched and the amount reduced at the first evidence of acidosis.
Dietetics for Nurses Fairfax T. Proudfit

a condition characterized by an abnormal increase in the acidity of the blood and extracellular fluids

acidosis ac·i·do·sis (ās’ĭ-dō’sĭs)
n. pl. ac·i·do·ses (-sēz’)
An abnormal increase in the acidity of body fluids, caused either by accumulation of acids or by depletion of bicarbonates.
ac’i·dot’ic (-dŏt’ĭk) adj.

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