the act of or gaining possession:
the acquisition of real estate.
something ; addition:
public excitement about the museum’s recent acquisitions.
the purchase of one business enterprise by another: the acquisition of a rival corporation;
mergers and acquisitions.
Linguistics. the act or process of achieving mastery of a language or a linguistic rule or element:
child language acquisition; second language acquisition.
the act of acquiring or gaining possession
something acquired
a person or thing of special merit added to a group
(astronautics) the process of locating a spacecraft, satellite, etc, esp by radar, in order to gather tracking and telemetric information
late 14c., “act of obtaining,” from Old French acquisicion (13c.) or directly from Latin acquisitionem (nominative acquisitio), noun of action from past participle stem of acquirere “get in addition, accumulate,” from ad- “extra” (see ad-) + quaerere “to seek to obtain” (see query (v.)). Meaning “thing obtained” is from late 15c. The vowel change of -ae- to -i- in Latin is due to a Latin phonetic rule involving unaccented syllables in compounds.
acquisition ac·qui·si·tion (āk’wĭ-zĭsh’ən)
The empirical demonstration in psychology of an increase in the strength of the conditioned response in successive trials in which the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli are paired.
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