
sharpness, harshness, or bitterness of nature, speech, disposition, etc.:
The speaker attacked him with great acrimony.
Contemporary Examples

There, acrimony between rap superstars and an indie filmmaker boiled over into the public realm as never before.
The Hip-Hop Doc War Chris Lee July 7, 2011

From day one, the press will be searching for signs of acrimony or insubordination.
Obama Was Right About Hillary Peter Beinart November 30, 2008

But if one recognizes that Americans see their country in religious terms, the level of acrimony is more easily understandable.
Why Is American Politics So Religious and Divisive? Jordan Michael Smith March 29, 2013

Indeed, the acrimony had reached such heights that I fully expected her to make her place in the opposition this time around.
Tzipi Livni, Israel’s So-Called Lead Peace Negotiator Emily L. Hauser April 11, 2013

But after nearly three years of acrimony between the two former allies, the stubborn Erdoğan clung to his plans.
How The Pro-Israel Right Got Hagel And Kerry Backwards Ali Gharib April 24, 2013

Historical Examples

It was a channel to his acrimony moderated through his philosophy.
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, Complete George Meredith

Their precise age and antiquity have been disputed with some acrimony.
The Dramatic Values in Plautus Wilton Wallace Blancke

One might speak with momentary asperity to his child, but not with acrimony, unless estrangement had begun.
English Synonyms and Antonyms James Champlin Fernald

Harkaman asked him, when they were alone after the second day of acrimony.
Space Viking Henry Beam Piper

Consequently she grew up in an atmosphere of repression and acrimony.
Emma Goldman Charles A. Madison

noun (pl) -nies
bitterness or sharpness of manner, speech, temper, etc

1540s, “quality of being acrid,” from Middle French acrimonie or directly from Latin acrimonia “sharpness, pungency of taste,” figuratively “acrimony, severity, energy,” from acer “sharp” (fem. acris, neuter acre; see acrid) + -monia suffix of action, state, condition. Figurative extension to “sharpness of temper” is first recorded 1610s.

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