
of, relating to, or like an or .
having the good balance, agility, and coordination of an .
Contemporary Examples

Steele was polished and acrobatic in his attempts to address the entire ballroom from his seat on the far end of the dais.
The Race to Run the GOP Gets Even More Ridiculous Ana Marie Cox January 5, 2009

Fresh after Camilla and the cuddly Roo in a blanket, here’s Chaz and the acrobatic sheep.
Photo-Special! Charles and the Leaping Sheep Tom Sykes November 7, 2012

The Shanghai acrobatic Troupe feels like the birthplace of this craft.
Gal With a Suitcase: Shanghai Jolie Hunt January 6, 2011

Historical Examples

On the dresser—which he had ascended by a chair—was Billy, the acrobatic goat, doing his Alpine daring act.
The Wouldbegoods E. Nesbit

It was evident that dressing was going to be an acrobatic performance.
In a Steamer Chair and Other Stories Robert Barr

The assault came so suddenly that the acrobatic youth had no time to defend himself.
The Mystery at Putnam Hall Arthur M. Winfield

It required some exercise of acrobatic agility to get into or out of the town.
The Johnstown Horror James Herbert Walker

The blow was so strong that the acrobatic youth was bowled over on the polished floor.
The Putnam Hall Champions Arthur M. Winfield

To make a success at acrobatic or any other dancing you must not strain yourselves.
The Art of Stage Dancing Ned Wayburn

“That suits me,” said the acrobatic youth, and Jack and Pepper said they were also satisfied.
The Putnam Hall Rivals Arthur M. Winfield


1848; see acrobat + -ic. Related: Acrobatically.

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