
the common European viper, Vipera berus.
any of various other venomous or harmless snakes resembling the viper.
a person or thing that .
Historical Examples

And swift as an adder Muldoon kicked him just below the knee cap.
Lease to Doomsday Lee Archer

It is more venemous than the adder, it is more destructive than hebenon or madragora.
Imogen William Godwin

In the majority of viper or adder bites the constitutional disturbance is slight and transient, if it appears at all.
Manual of Surgery Alexis Thomson and Alexander Miles

The good Book says, ‘it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder!’
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe

Now it was an adder coiled up in the warm sunshine on a little dry bare clump among some dead furze.
The Weathercock George Manville Fenn

Supporters,—not captives nor victims; the Cockatrice and adder.
Our Fathers Have Told Us John Ruskin

adder saw him some days back in a brown consultation near his club with Captain May.
Lord Ormont and his Aminta, Complete George Meredith

The adder (nieder or nether snake) saying that he is mud, and will be mud.
Our Fathers Have Told Us John Ruskin

It is the double-distilled extract of nux vomica, ratsbane, and adder’s tongue.
New Tabernacle Sermons Thomas De Witt Talmage

Saxham started as though an adder had flashed its fangs through his boot.
The Dop Doctor Clotilde Inez Mary Graves

Also called viper. a common viper, Vipera berus, that is widely distributed in Europe, including Britain, and Asia and is typically dark greyish in colour with a black zigzag pattern along the back
any of various similar venomous or nonvenomous snakes
a person or thing that adds, esp a single element of an electronic computer, the function of which is to add a single digit of each of two inputs

Old English næddre “a snake, serpent, viper,” from West Germanic *nædro “a snake” (cf. Old Norse naðra, Middle Dutch nadre, Old High German natra, German Natter, Gothic nadrs), from PIE root *netr- (cf. Latin natrix “water snake,” probably by folk-association with nare “to swim;” Old Irish nathir, Welsh neidr “adder”).

The modern form represents a faulty separation 14c.-16c. into an adder, for which see also apron, auger, nickname, humble pie, umpire. Nedder is still a northern English dialect form. Folklore connection with deafness is via Psalm lviii:1-5. The adder is said to stop up its ears to avoid hearing the snake charmer called in to drive it away. Adderbolt (late 15c.) was a former name for “dragonfly.”

(Ps. 140:3; Rom. 3:13, “asp”) is the rendering of, (1.) Akshub (“coiling” or “lying in wait”), properly an asp or viper, found only in this passage. (2.) Pethen (“twisting”), a viper or venomous serpent identified with the cobra (Naja haje) (Ps. 58:4; 91:13); elsewhere “asp.” (3.) Tziphoni (“hissing”) (Prov. 23:32); elsewhere rendered “cockatrice,” Isa. 11:8; 14:29; 59:5; Jer. 8:17, as it is here in the margin of the Authorized Version. The Revised Version has “basilisk.” This may have been the yellow viper, the Daboia xanthina, the largest and most dangerous of the vipers of Palestine. (4.) Shephiphon (“creeping”), occurring only in Gen. 49:17, the small speckled venomous snake, the “horned snake,” or cerastes. Dan is compared to this serpent, which springs from its hiding-place on the passer-by.

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