
something added; an addition.
Historical Examples

On the alternative that the additament takes on another additament, you will be embarrassed by a many-sided regress in infinitum.
The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha Madhava Acharya

An Aqua regis may also be drawn from nitrous earths by the force of fire only, without the help of any additament.
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. Pierre Joseph Macquer

In case an additament be employed, what that is, and in what proportion it is added?
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society – Vol 1 – 1666 Various

Corrosive Sublimate may also be made only by mixing Mercury with Sea-salt, without any additament.
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. Pierre Joseph Macquer

Milk left to itself, without the help of distillation, or any additament whatever, undergoes a sort of decomposition.
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. Pierre Joseph Macquer

By means of this additament he decompounded Sal Ammoniac, and by the experiment obtained the lights he wanted.
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. Pierre Joseph Macquer

We shall now have to add to the seed another supplementation by subsidiaries themselves requiring an additament.
The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha Madhava Acharya

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