Affected class


a group which is adversely affected or discriminated against by a specific policy, practice, or piece of legislation

Affected class status must be determined by analysis or court decision.

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  • Affected

    acted upon; influenced. influenced in a harmful way; impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease. (of the mind or feelings) impressed; moved; touched: She was deeply affected by their generosity. assumed artificially; unnatural; feigned: affected sophistication; an affected British accent. assuming or pretending to possess that which is not natural: Her affected wealth […]

  • Affectedly

    assumed artificially; unnatural; feigned: affected sophistication; an affected British accent. assuming or pretending to possess that which is not natural: Her affected wealth and social pedigree are so obviously false that it’s embarrassing. inclined or disposed: well affected toward the speaker’s cause. held in affection; fancied: a novel much affected by our grandparents. Historical Examples […]

  • Affectedness

    assumed artificially; unnatural; feigned: affected sophistication; an affected British accent. assuming or pretending to possess that which is not natural: Her affected wealth and social pedigree are so obviously false that it’s embarrassing. inclined or disposed: well affected toward the speaker’s cause. held in affection; fancied: a novel much affected by our grandparents. Historical Examples […]

  • Affecters
  • Affecting

    moving or exciting the feelings or emotions. to act on; produce an effect or change in: Cold weather affected the crops. to impress the mind or move the feelings of: The music affected him deeply. (of pain, disease, etc.) to attack or lay hold of. Psychology. feeling or emotion. Psychiatry. an expressed or observed emotional […]

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