After a sort

see: after a fashion

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    behind in place or position; following behind: men lining up one after the other. later in time than; in succession to; at the close of: Tell me after supper. Day after day he came to work late. subsequent to and in consequence of: After what has happened, I can never return. below in rank or […]

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    a secondary, weaker half of a musical .

  • Afterbirth

    the placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus childbirth. Contemporary Examples Crown emerges from the bedroom with a pair of flat black slacks, the cloudy detritus of afterbirth splayed across the seat. Idaho Woman Who Gave Birth on Highway: ‘I Had to Pull My Pants Down to Get the Baby Out’ Dale Eisinger July […]

  • Afterbody

    Nautical. the portion of a ship’s hull aft of the middle . Aeronautics. the rear part of an aircraft’s fuselage. Rocketry. the part of a guided missile behind the nose cone, usually unprotected against reentry heat. noun (pl) -bodies any discarded part that continues to trail a satellite, rocket, etc, in orbit

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