any of numerous American plants belonging to the genus Agave, of the agave family, species of which are cultivated for economic or ornamental purposes: A. arizonica, of central Arizona, is an endangered species.
Contemporary Examples
The agave juice is then extracted using a round stone wheel called a tahona before being distilled twice.
Grab A Shot Glass: Craft Tequila Needs Your Help Kayleigh Kulp September 6, 2014
With a list of ingredients that includes 10 whole grains, agave fiber and probiotics, it started out as a tall order.
The Healthiest Fast Food Chain Joshua Robinson November 1, 2010
agave plants take up to 10 years to mature before being harvested.
Grab A Shot Glass: Craft Tequila Needs Your Help Kayleigh Kulp September 6, 2014
Just before serving, add some more lemon juice, salt, pepper, and agave to balance.
Three Quinoa Recipes for Your Weekend Parties Jane Coxwell May 25, 2013
Tequila, the Mexican spirit made from the agave plant, can be found in bars around the world.
Business Longreads for the Week of October 19, 2013 William O’Connor October 20, 2013
Historical Examples
The latter are usually constructed from the tough fibre of the agave americana and consist of one or more cables.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 10 Various
Maguey-sugar is derived from the sap of the maguey-plant (agave Americana).
Commercial Geography Jacques W. Redway
In full bloom these form a most striking feature of the landscape, as peculiar as the agave hedges of Mexico.
The Story of Malta Maturin M. Ballou
The maguey—the agave americana—was an invaluable ally of life and civilisation.
Mexico Charles Reginald Enock
The maguey (agave Americana) is besides much used for hedging.
Early Western Travels 1748-1846, Volume XX Various
any plant of the genus Agave, native to tropical America, with tall flower stalks rising from a massive, often armed, rosette of thick fleshy leaves: family Agavaceae. Some species are the source of fibres such as sisal or of alcoholic beverages such as pulque and tequila See also century plant
American aloe plant, 1797, from Latin Agave, from Greek Agaue, proper name in mythology (mother of Pentheus), from agauos “noble,” perhaps from agasthai “wonder at,” from gaiein “to rejoice, exult,” with intensive prefix a-. The name seems to have been taken generically by botanists, the plant perhaps so called for its “stately” flower stem.
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the plant family Agavaceae, characterized by herbaceous or woody plants having rhizomes, a basal cluster of toothed, sword-shaped leaves, and a tall, dense spike of flowers, including the agave, century plant, dracaena, sansevieria, sisal, and yucca.
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