Agave family
the plant family Agavaceae, characterized by herbaceous or woody plants having rhizomes, a basal cluster of toothed, sword-shaped leaves, and a tall, dense spike of flowers, including the agave, century plant, dracaena, sansevieria, sisal, and yucca.
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a city in W central Massachusetts. Historical Examples A seedling of Post-oak crossed with Agawam; from Munson, about 1885. The Grapes of New York U. P. Hedrick Although Agawam ripens soon after Concord, it can be kept much longer and even improves in flavor after picking. Manual of American Grape-Growing U. P. Hedrick A few […]
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agca automatic ground-controlled approach Contemporary Examples In addition to visiting the tomb of John Paul, who died of natural causes in 2005, agca asked to see his successor, Pope Francis. Pope-Shooter Ali Agca’s Very Weird Vatican Visit Barbie Latza Nadeau December 28, 2014 Undeterred by the snub in November, and denied a visa to Italy, […]