
an antigen that causes the production of agglutinins.
Historical Examples

The substance within the introduced cell which acts as a stimulus (antigen) to the body cells is called an agglutinogen.
The Fundamentals of Bacteriology Charles Bradfield Morrey

an antigen that reacts with or stimulates the formation of a specific agglutinin

agglutinogen ag·glu·tin·o·gen (āg’lu-tĭn’ə-jən, ə-glōōt’n-)
An antigen that stimulates the production of a particular agglutinin, such as an antibody. Also called agglutogen.
ag’glu·tin’o·gen’ic (āg’lu-tĭn’ə-gěn’ĭk, ə-glōōt’n-) adj.

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