Giacomo (ˈdʒaːkomo). born 1942, Italian racing motorcyclist: world champion (500 cc. class) 1966–72, 1975; (350 cc. class) 1968–74
Historical Examples
He is carried, unconscious, to the enchanters cave, in the shape of a room in the agostini Palace.
The Earl of Beaconsfield James Anthony Froude
A good example is the agostini picker, which was approved by Hart.
Cocoa and Chocolate Arthur W. Knapp
It was quite clear that agostini did not write the threatening letter to the mayor.
Columba Prosper Merimee
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the Haitian solenodon, Solenodon paradoxus.
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any of several short-haired, short-eared, rabbitlike rodents of the genus Dasyprocta, of South and Central America and the West Indies, destructive to sugar cane. an irregularly barred pattern of the fur of certain rodents. an animal having fur of this pattern. Historical Examples Marcgrave, and almost all naturalists after him, have said that the agouti […]
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agp Accelerated Graphics Port accelerated graphics port
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agpa American Group Practice Association American Group Psychotherapy Association