a farmer.
an expert in .
Historical Examples
The valley is well peopled and yields finely to the agriculturalist.
Overland through Asia; Pictures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar Life Thomas Wallace Knox
We must now place the manufacturer by the side of the agriculturalist.
The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln, Volume One Abraham Lincoln
The agriculturalist was, therefore, the very backbone of the state.
Fir-Flower Tablets Various
Orioles feed upon both fruit and insects, and so cannot be regarded as unmixed blessings to the agriculturalist.
Birds of the Plains Douglas Dewar
Mr. Richard Grant White says that conversationalist and agriculturalist are inadmissible.
The Verbalist Thomas Embly Osmun, (AKA Alfred Ayres)
There is a fundamental strain of agriculturalist in a Pole which no amount of brilliance, even classical, can destroy.
Notes on Life and Letters Joseph Conrad
The exterior commerce naturally following the working of mines, will equally contribute its share in favor of the agriculturalist.
California As It Is and As It May Be Feliks Pawe? Wierzbicki
These are very welcome to the agriculturalist because they impart vigour to the young crops.
A Bird Calendar for Northern India Douglas Dewar
It brings up happy old days when I was only a farmer and not an agriculturalist.
The Gentle Grafter O. Henry
The agriculturalist ranks next in dignity; for none can do without food, and therefore his usefulness is indisputable.
Japan Dorothy Menpes
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a farmer. an expert in . Historical Examples Antiseptics are a source of serious danger to the agriculturist. The Dwelling House George Vivian Poore The agriculturist does not pretend that he has created the corn; but he has given it its value. Sophisms of the Protectionists Frederic Bastiat The chief employment of the Ashantee agriculturist […]
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the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry. . Historical Examples agriculturally, the Lias clays are laid down for grass, but the lighter soils are useful for arable purposes. The Natural History of Clay Alfred B. Searle agriculturally, […]
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the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry. . Contemporary Examples The Howard G. Buffett Foundation funds projects in 35 African countries, focusing on agriculture, water and conflict zones. Howard Buffett’s Food Fight Howard Buffett October 12, 2009 […]
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any plant belonging to the genus Agrimonia, of the rose family, especially the perennial A. eupatoria, having pinnate leaves and small, yellow flowers. any of certain other plants, as hemp agrimony or bur marigold. Historical Examples Their look was sure death, but they could be poisoned by a draught compounded of agrimony, dill and vervain. […]