American Institute of Architects.
American Insurance Association.
Contemporary Examples
AIG generated enough cash from these sales—mostly from the sale of aia—to pay off tens of billions in debt to the Fed.
Surprise—We Made $23 Billion Off AIG! Daniel Gross December 10, 2012
It staged an initial public offering of aia, a very solid business in a rapidly growing market, which raised about $20 billion.
AIG Stock Sale Vindicates Treasury Bailout Daniel Gross September 9, 2012
Historical Examples
They divided it into various districts—the upper and lower Ton, aia, Kadma.
History Of Egypt, Chalda, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 2 (of 12) G. Maspero
Next: ‘aia’ is generally an accumulative yet depreciative termination.
The Browning Cyclopdia Edward Berdoe
aia & ana/ this was yt Ana yt foũde ye mules in ye wildernes/ as he fed his father Zibeons asses.
The First Boke of Moses called Genesis William Tyndale
Associate of the Institute of Actuaries
Application Integration Architecture
American Iatrogenic Association
American Institute of Architects
Asbestos Information Association
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aiaa American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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(defs 1–3). Historical Examples In a duel with Aias the spear of Hector pierced the bronze and six layers of hide on his shield, but stuck in the seventh. Homer and His Age Andrew Lang Aias, the son of Telamon, is clearly a ‘doublet’ of the Locrian Aias; and so forth. The Heroic Age H. […]
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Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women.
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aibd Association of International Bond Dealers; now ISMA: International Securities Market Association
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aibs American Institute of Biological Sciences