a needlelike rock mass or mountain peak.
Contemporary Examples
“Step into the Void” is the newest attraction on the uppermost terrace of aiguille du Midi.
A New Installation in the French Alps Allows Visitors to Walk Off the Highest Mountain Peak Justin Jones December 20, 2013
Historical Examples
The aiguille du Gant is, perhaps, the most remarkable monolith shaft in the Alps, and has attained no little fame.
The Alps Martin Conway
By the way, you were all reading about that ascent of the aiguille Verte, the other day?
The Crown of Wild Olive John Ruskin
One lovely day about this time I set out once more to try my hand (or rather my feet) alone upon the aiguille.
The Beckoning Hand and Other Stories Grant Allen
Cross cleavage, the second in aiguille Bouchard; straight and sharp.
Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) John Ruskin
Having passed out of range of the aiguille du Midi, we found comfortable going on the ice.
McClure’s Magazine, Vol. VI., No. 6, May, 1896 Various
From there over twenty-four more pylons a cable one thousand four hundred meters long took us to the foot of the aiguille.
The Spell of Switzerland Nathan Haskell Dole
Once the orb appeared behind a rounded mass of snow which lay near the summit of the aiguille du Midi.
The Glaciers of the Alps John Tyndall
Clouds at first gathered round the aiguille and Dme du Goter, casting the lower slopes of the mountain into intense gloom.
The Glaciers of the Alps John Tyndall
The hollow in the heart of the aiguille is as smooth and sweeping in curve as the cavity of a vast bivalve shell.
Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) John Ruskin
a rock mass or mountain peak shaped like a needle
an instrument for boring holes in rocks or masonry
A sharply pointed mountain peak found in regions that have undergone intense glaciation. Aigulles are believed to be the remnants of the elevated areas separating two adjacent cirques.
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