a department in E France. 2249 sq. mi. (5825 sq. km).
Capital: Bourg.
the 18th letter of the Arabic alphabet.
the voiced pharyngeal constrictive consonant represented by this letter.
Historical Examples
Car nous n’en auons rien veu, ains tousiours vn grand respect, & amour entr’eux.
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 Various
As for the handling of myself, I hard it ains weill devysit.
The Mystery of Mary Stuart Andrew Lang
Apres, la fosse estant faicte fort creuse, il l’y logent, non la renuerse ou couch comme nous: ains assis.
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 Various
ains les laissant en paix comme ministres de l’utilit commune, et pres nourriciers des autres estats.
History of the Rise of the Huguenots Henry Baird
Lui a dit qu’il voulait qu’aucun sacramentaire ne fût admis à abjurer, ains fût puni de mort.
The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) Henry Martyn Baird
Or est-il ainsi que nos prochains ne sont pas tout un, ains sont de diverses condicions, estas et manieres, sy comme il appert.
Game and Playe of the Chesse Caxton
Quant au reste, qu’on n’innoueroit rien, ains leur accoustume ils receuroyent la distribution quotidienne l’egal des autres.
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. III: Acadia, 1611-1616 Various
a Scot word for own
a variant of ayin
a department in E central France, in Rhône-Alpes region. Capital: Bourg. Pop: 539 006 (2003 est). Area: 5785 sq km (2256 sq miles)
a river in E France, rising in the Jura Mountains and flowing south to the Rhône. Length: 190 km (118 miles)
American Institute of Nutrition
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. determiner a Scot word for own noun a variant of ayin noun a department in E central France, in Rhône-Alpes region. Capital: Bourg. Pop: 539 006 (2003 est). Area: 5785 sq km (2256 sq miles) a river in E France, rising in the Jura Mountains and flowing south to the Rhône. Length: 190 km […]