
Also called acetaldol. a colorless, syrupy, water-soluble liquid, C 4 H 8 O 2 , formed by the condensation of acetaldehyde: used chiefly in the manufacture of rubber vulcanizers and accelerators, and in perfumery.
any of a class of compounds containing both an alcohol and an functional group, formed by a condensation reaction between aldehyde or ketone molecules.
a colourless or yellowish oily liquid, miscible with water, used in the manufacture of rubber accelerators, as an organic solvent, in perfume, and as a hypnotic and sedative. Formula: CH3CHOHCH2CHO Systematic name 3-hydroxybutanal
any organic compound containing the functional group -CHOHCH2CHO
(modifier) consisting of, containing, or concerned with the group -CHOHCH2CHO: aldol group or radical, aldol reaction

aldol al·dol (āl’dôl, -dōl)

A thick, colorless to pale yellow liquid obtained from acetaldehyde and used in perfumery and as a solvent.

A similar aldehyde containing the group CH3OH-CO-CHOH.

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