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    of, relating to, or affecting both sides. ambilateral am·bi·lat·er·al (ām’bĭ-lāt’ər-əl) adj. Relating to both sides.

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    working in two directions simultaneously. Physics, Chemistry. pertaining to both positive and negative ions; applied to both positive and negative ions at the same rate. adjective (electronics) (of plasmas and semiconductors) involving both positive and negative charge carriers

  • Ambisextrous

    Informal. sexually attracted to both sexes; bisexual. used by or suitable for either sex; unisex: ambisextrous hair styles. held in common by both sexes, especially sexual characteristics. adjective Sexually attracted to both sexes; bisexual •Used by or suitable for either sex. Jocular; a blend of ambidextrous and sex: introduced her ambisextrous friend (1926+)

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