
auto-restricted zone
Historical Examples

The day following it was announced that an arz (public audience) would take place.
Travels in Central Asia Arminius Vmbry

It sits high on a hillside dominating the little river arz, a confluent of the Vilaine.
Rambles in Brittany Francis Miltoun

Make an arz, a representation, and its accomplishment will rest with me.
The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan James Morier

And the Marco’s crew had explored arz exhaustively without finding any slightest trace of boats or of boat landings.
The Anglers of Arz Roger Phillips Dee

Yasaulbashi, two in number, principal guards, whose functions are those of introduction at the arz (public audience).
Travels in Central Asia Arminius Vmbry

An arz, that is a day for public audiences, was proclaimed for the following day.
rminius Vambry, his life and adventures rminius Vambry

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