any fungus of the genus Aspergillus, having sporophores with a bristly, knoblike top.
Contemporary Examples
And with aspergillus, the environment is key: aspergillus is a ubiquitous airborne mold that can cause allergies and hay fever.
Contamination Seen as Cause for New Meningitis Outbreak in Five States Kent Sepkowitz October 3, 2012
Historical Examples
The aspergillus and the Penicillium differ from the Mucor in having their spores naked and not enclosed in a spore-case.
Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures Arabella B. Buckley
aspergillus glaucus, the mould of cheese, but common on mouldy vegetables.
The Elements of Botany Asa Gray
aspergillus, the brush used in Roman Catholic churches for sprinkling holy water on the people.
The New Gresham Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 Part 2 Various
In aspergillus, the threads are simple and erect, with a globose head, around which are clustered chains of simple spores.
Fungi: Their Nature and Uses Mordecai Cubitt Cooke
The conceptacles were called Eurotium herbariorum, and the conidia bearers were called aspergillus glaucus.
Fungi: Their Nature and Uses Mordecai Cubitt Cooke
aspergillus glaucus and Penicillium crustaceum are examples of these universal Mucedines.
Fungi: Their Nature and Uses Mordecai Cubitt Cooke
Another substance produced from the aspergillus rice is the soja sauce.
Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XXI., No. 531, March 6, 1886 Various
They succeeded in demonstrating that these vegetable parasitic growths were a form of aspergillus.
Makers of Modern Medicine James J. Walsh
Another very common and beautiful mould, aspergillus glaucus (2, Fig. 22), often grows with Mucor on the top of jam.
Through Magic Glasses and Other Lectures Arabella B. Buckley
noun (pl) -gilli (-ˈdʒɪlaɪ)
any ascomycetous fungus of the genus Aspergillus, having chains of conidia attached like bristles to a club-shaped stalk: family Aspergillaceae
Aspergillus As·per·gil·lus (ās’pər-jĭl’əs)
A genus of fungi that includes many common molds.
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an infection or disease caused by a mold of the genus Aspergillus, characterized by granulomatous lesions of the lungs, skin, etc. noun (pl) -ses (-siːz) a rare fungal infection, esp of the mucous membranes or lungs, caused by various species of Aspergillus aspergillosis as·per·gil·lo·sis (ās’pər-jə-lō’sĭs) n. An infection or a disease caused by fungi of […]
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harshness or sharpness of tone, temper, or manner; severity; acrimony: The cause of her anger did not warrant such asperity. hardship; difficulty; rigor: the asperities of polar weather. roughness of surface; unevenness. something rough or harsh. Contemporary Examples He looked at the president when the president spoke, and his expression revealed no asperity or disdain. […]
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noun (pathol) the failure to form or emit semen
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