moving or , especially with much activity or excitement:
The field was astir with small animals, birds, and insects.
up and about; out of bed.
Historical Examples
But, then, it was so early that not many even of the early-rising farmers were astir.
Ruth Fielding In the Red Cross Alice B. Emerson
The child was astir before we got back to the genial warmth of the stove.
Labrador Days Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
Now, in Fountain Court, almost before daylight, there was some one astir.
Seven Little People and their Friends Horace Elisha Scudder
“Only enough to set them astir for revenge,” said the lieutenant.
Hunting the Skipper George Manville Fenn
We had best make the venture after midnight, rather than now while the enemy is astir.
The Minute Boys of the Mohawk Valley James Otis
In a Malay village all are astir very shortly after daybreak.
In Court and Kampong Hugh Clifford
Everyone in Jamestown was astir early one April morning in 1614.
The Princess Pocahontas Virginia Watson
She obeyed, but the alarm had been given, and the house was astir.
Hopes and Fears Charlotte M. Yonge
Jerrie was astir the next morning almost as soon as the first robin begin to sing under her window.
Tracy Park Mary Jane Holmes
No one was astir but Mrs. Watts, and she was sweeping vigorously.
The Bishop of Cottontown John Trotwood Moore
adjective (postpositive)
awake and out of bed
in motion; on the move
“up and about,” 1823, from phrase on the stir, or from Scottish asteer; from stir. Old English had astyrian, which yielded Middle English ben astired “be stirred up, excited, aroused.”
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