
a place in the Arthurian romances, possibly in Surrey, England.
Historical Examples

But is this damsel that is so busy about you the Fair Maid of Astolat?’
The Book of Romance Various

When he was well enough, they all rode to the castle of Astolat.
King Arthur and His Knights Maude L. Radford

“By my faith, this lily maiden of Astolat loves him deeply,” said Gawaine.
Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15) Charles Morris

He rides to Astolat—“that is, Gylford”—where Arthur sees him.
Alfred Tennyson Andrew Lang

Then the poor dumb servitor returned again with the barge, rowing it slowly and sadly back to Astolat.
Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15) Charles Morris

Alas, said the Fair Maiden of Astolat, how may this be, and what was his hurt?
Le Morte D’Arthur, Volume II (of II) Thomas Malory

Elaine is called “the lily maid of Astolat” (Guildford), and knowing that Launcelot was pledged to celibacy, she pined and died.
Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1 The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

But Sir Torre, the grave elder brother, looked gloomily at the stranger, and wished he had not come to Astolat.
Stories of King Arthur’s Knights Mary MacGregor

Had he not read aloud to her only a fortnight before the story of Launcelot and the lily maid of Astolat?
‘Laramie;’ Charles King

And when he reached the court he told the lords and ladies about the fair maid of Astolat who loved Sir Lancelot.
Stories of King Arthur’s Knights Mary MacGregor

a town in Arthurian legend: location unknown

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